Acupuncture is a method of placing needles along different meridians that run along the body. With application of the needle on acupuncture points it allows free flow of ‘chi’ or energy, thus relieving disease processes. Specific acupuncture points are chosen based upon each patient’s needs and meridian points best suited for each Chinese diagnosis.
Acupuncture can be utilized via use of the needles alone, which is termed ‘dry needling’. Alternatively, acupuncture can be enhanced with a practice known as ‘electroacupuncture’. Electroacupuncture includes the use of an electrical stimulus upon specific needles, which allows prolonged benefit of acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture can be used to treat and manage many illnesses. Acupuncture is especially successful at treating musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, hip dysplasia, and back or neck pain. Acupuncture is a great alternative for pain management, and can even help eliminate the use of pain medication. Neurologic disease and internal organ disease can also benefit from the use of acupuncture, especially in combination with herbal therapy.
Acupuncture patients do not tend to exhibit any negative side effects, and the experience itself is typically pain-free. The average duration of a treatment session ranges from 20-30 minutes, and the entire consultation and evaluation ranges from one to two hours. The frequency of an acupuncture session varies on each patient, but typically at least three sessions are recommended to assess if the patient will respond positively. Based upon each patient’s needs a scheduled therapy plan can be made to assess if sessions should be performed weekly, multiple times per week, monthly, or as needed as a preventative measure.
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